Mister What

Monday 22 July 2013

The Utility Warehouse Opportunity

I am so pleased that I took the opportunity to become a member of the UWDC in 2005.  Since that time I have been saving money on my household bills every month without fail, so as a customer I have saved.  But I also took up the opportunity to become a Distributor with the UtilityWarehouse offering great savings on household bills to my family and friends.  In fact I trust this company and also the savings that are available I introduced my mother and father to the savings, sadly dad is no longer here but when mum left her bungalow she had had five years of savings.

For anyone who would like to monitor their household bills and outgoings becoming a member of the Utility Warehouse Discount Club is without doubt the best opportunity they will have, as you can provide monthly meter readings to the Network HQ and if they have four services or more then they will not have to worry about their landline bill as all calls will be FREE!  On top of these great savings (nothing is better than free!) the mobile phone tariffs are the best standard tariffs available, for £7.50 a month they can receive 300 minutes XNetwork and unlimited texts, no more Pay a Lot as You Go, and if they are worried by go over their generous call allowance take on our Budget Control package - Free!

If you read this Blog and live in the UK get in touch, I will explain fully the savings available, but don't worry about saying "No" to me, I want people to say "No" as I want at least twenty people a week to say "No" to the great savings that on offer.

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