Mister What

Friday 24 June 2011

North East Wales Training & Services now have a testimonial on You Tube!  I am slightly limited when it comes to IT and embedding and that sort of stuff but I am learning.  I am told that I can now embed the video of one of my security guard candidates into this blog, we will see shortly whether or not this happens!  

Anyway, a little about our candidate, he is Ian Edwards and is from Bala in Gwynedd, North Wales.  Bala is a small town about thirty five miles from Wrexham which is where North East Wales Training & Services is located.  Ian has successfully completed the SIA compliant security training course and now wants to apply for his SIA guard licence or badge as it is known.  In order to ensure that all parts were completed correctly he asked us here at NEWTS to check it for errors before he sent it off to the SIA which we did willingly.  SIA application form checking is one of the value adding services we offer free of charge as one small error can delay the issue of a security licence which means that employment can be delayed also.  Another value adding service that we offer is that of counter signatory which is a required on the SIA application form and on the rear of a passport size photograph, again this is one of our services that is offered free of charge.

If  you need any further information about our security courses or any of our other courses please feel free to contact us from our website at www.newtrainingservices.co.uk or you can telephone us on 01978 800388 or 01978 800389.  Now for that embedding job!

Easier than anticipated!

Friday 17 June 2011

Today I visited a lady who has signed up to the UWDC and as a result will save herself a substantial amount of money per month and at the same time have our BroadCall award winning telephone line rental and internet package, check out 'Which' for confirmation of this claim.  For several surveys BroadCall has figured as Number one!  I also signed up the same lady's mum who will also save a good amount of money and also benefit from our free calls during the evenings and weekends, and these calls are really free, nothing to pay, nowt, she gets the benefit from taking the three services, gas, electricity and homephone.  On the other hand her daughter who has gas, electricity and BroadCall (2 services in one package!) gets to have free calls 24/7 - just for taking the four services that she uses every day, so easy!  

If you would like to try out the service give me a call via the website at: www.utilitywarehouse.org.uk/050572 or 01978 800 388

Thursday 16 June 2011

French and Saunders videos

The Utility Warehouse Discount Club offers massive opportunities to save and make money just follow the link above and have  look at my space on the UWDC website, you will find fabulous opportunities.

The title above relates to the great videos the two ladies have made for the UWDC, "the utility who house?" great! but don't take my word for it visit the website, if you can't find what your looking for contact me via he sit and I ill get back to you asap.  

Tuesday 7 June 2011

New times, New opportunities

Times they are a changing as the song notes and in business changes also occur and that is why you will now see my authorised distributor logo on blogs which I write.  I am still connected to DAC & Partners Limited as a Director and Shareholder but I am no longer have any hands-on involvement in the company which is being ably conducted by my brother Don and his wife.  I will continue to write blogs about security training and NVQ assessments but it will be on my own behalf and will represent the views of North East Wales Training & Services which is my company name.  

My intention is to offer security training courses or guards and CCTV operators using SAFE Limited materials which are compliant with SIA training requirements.  The course I shall offer will allow security officers to obtain the guard licence which will then allow them to work in the guading sector of the Security Industry.  The training courses will be delivered on a monthly basis in Wrexham, Chester, Oswestry and North Wales thus allowing the greatest opportunity to prospective guards to secure their security training near their homes and giving them a greater chance of obaining their SIA badge.

In addition to the security training I am also offering people the chance to get inolved with this fantastic business offered by the Utilty Warehouse Discount Club, people can save money or make money and have more time, it an provide a secure income and the opportunity of building a business part-time, how good is that.  The following website will give more information or if you want to speak to me dial one of the numbers shown:


01978 800389

07736 446 104