Mister What

Saturday 26 November 2011

Security Hardware for private and domestic sites

Whist security guard and CCTV operator training are the areas I focus upon and have done for several years I did start out in business offering security advice.  This advice was fairly complex it related to how businesses could understand their risks in relation to crime and their risks of committing crime through their operations.  I realise now that had we been a little more straight forward in our offering and identifying it as security advice for business at a strategic level then I am sure that that business would have flourished and we would not have embraced other offerings which steered the business away from its security base, hindsight is fantastic!  However, North East Wales Training & Services has a vision and it is the reincarnation of that original vision put together in 2002 by two idealists!  This time I will be talking security, about locks, cameras and barriers, and endorsing the role of security guards and CCTV operators.  Our SIA compliant security training courses will also be a feature of what we have to help businesses.  I will also make it my business to network with security companies who offer a range of equipment to help reduce risks in business and domestic settings and I will blog about them and their businesses.

I will look at local security suppliers in Wrexham, Chester and further afield across North Wales and Cheshire and the Wirral but initially it will what is available around Wrexham and Flintshire the two counties that make up the North East of Wales.

One practical piece of advice I offer is this:

  • Identify what has a value
  • Can you afford to lose it?  No, then protect it!
Simple? yes it is but a lot of people will say, "they won't steal that!"  Believe me, if its not too hot, not too heavy and not nailed down 'they' will steal it!

This is a digital lock that is used to ensure the security of your oil supply, with winter just around the corner and the cost of energy rising then heating oil becomes a precious commodity, why take risks with its security?  Such a lock costs in the region of 50/60 litres of oil, not a lot to pay to prevent your boiler failing to fire up on a bitterly cold morning or worse still heating in your factory unit failing and production grinding to a halt!

For further details about our security risk assessment and our security officer training course opportunities for SIA licences and badges then please do not hesitate to contact Alan via www.newtrainingservices.co.uk or by landline on 019789 800 388

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Security and risk reduction for personal safety

Security and personal safety is often an area that we tend to neglect due to demands being made of us in our various roles.  I think that if we were able to visualize ourselves as we are seen by others then we may be able to adapt our behaviour and become safer and more secure.  We do not need to be trained in this and we do not need a security officer to escort us through our lives we just need to be more vigilant.  We need to recognise behaviour's which make us vulnerable.

When we use a mobile phone in a public area for instance, we are in effect putting perhaps £150 - £200 worth of technology to our ear, chattering away and not paying very much attention to what is going on around us, think about it next time you make a call in a public area, yes there are CCTV cameras about and on the off chance that you are being recorded evidence may be available should you be attacked and your mobile stolen.   That doesn't mean that the thief will be identified, convicted and sentenced appropriately!  So, if you have to make a call or one is so urgent that you have to receive it whilst in a public area, STOP! ensure you are against a wall and that you remain vigilant throughout the call, better still use handsfree kit and by standing still you minimise the risk of collisions with other pedestrians and vehicles that use pavements!

This contents of this blog will not prevent harm befalling you but may reduce your level of risk.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

What a fantastic meeting this afternoon at Carden Park discussing the delivery of ILM endorsed qualifications.  Thank you to Carol, Sheila and Jo, their contributions were invaluable.  Bob and I have some work to do now that will  provide a fantastic qualification for the future.  

The qualification will be based around security and protection of businesses and how to deal with the unexpected that can and will happen to some poor unfortunate at some time.

In relation to our security training courses these will continue and we will still provide SIA compliant security guard and CCTV training for licences and badges.

For details please visit www.newtrainingservices.co.uk or call 01978 800388 

Monday 21 November 2011

Approved Security Training provider - North East Wales Training & Services

North East Wales Training & Services is now shown on the SIA website as an approved provider of security training for guards and CCTV operators - follow this link to find us on the SIA website in the security guard sector and CCTV sector - http://www.sia.homeoffice.gov.uk/Pages/training-ApprovedTrainingProviders.asp - The words Approved Training Provider really gives me a buzz, once again I have started a training company, obtained centre status with an accreditation body and then have become an approved provider.  As well as providing security training I am going to start looking at the security basics across a range of sectors and how various organisations can begin to protect their assets without spending huge amounts.  I will apply the KISS principle and not resort to any gobbledegook to confuse the reader.

Here is your starter for 10 - Key Registers, probably the foundation block of any security system that you may choose to operate, without one you are wide open to security breaches.  I will focus on keys in my next blog, until then you could do worse than establishing who, in your business has got which keys and why they need them!

I can be contacted via our website at www.newtrainingservices.co.uk or land line 01978 800388.

Our next security training course commences Monday 28th November 2011 at the Community Resource Centre, Gwersyllt, Wrexham.

Sunday 20 November 2011

Thank you to Oraica Limited

Whilst my website is maturing somewhere out in the ether I thought I would just like to thank Peter Leslie of www.oraica.com for his advice and guidance on the website but also his patience in dealing with me and coming up with a design which I think is pretty fresh, suits our business need and is easy to navigate for visitors.  Thank you Peter!

Coming back to the website visitors will find a couple of areas with limited information, I do apologise for that.  The reason for the sparseness of information is that I want to ensure that our offering in relation to business services meets the needs of the small and micro businesses that it is aimed at.  Such business will be located in the North Wales, Wrexham, Chester, and Shropshire areas.  Therefore I giving a sneak preview via this blog of what I intend to offer, and depending on feedback it may, with a bit of sprucing up be added to the website.  

Business Services
As part of our services for business we have undertaken to provide a high quality and fast turnaround word processing service. We can take in written and audio draft work and return to author in an agreed time frame. We will also take in electronic files from known sources. This service is aimed at small businesses that do not have a large admin capability or are looking for confidential working to be undertaken off-site.
We can also provide a bookkeeping service that is designed to support sole traders and small partnerships.
We believe that these services will provide a practical solution to problems experienced by the smaller businesses.
A further service that is offered by North East Wales Training & Services is their Security Risk Assessment Service (SRAS) that will provide the business owner with an in depth report of current security risks that they face. An enhanced assessment is also offered in conjunction with an associate organisation that will identify areas of catastrophic risk likely to result in business failure. An in depth report is offered along with sensible solutions.

Business Opportunities
An opportunity for businesses to examine costs and examine ways to reduce some of those costs related to energy, telephony (Mobile and Landline) and internet (Broadband and mobile).

Within the same offering the business owner will also be shown an opportunity to a raise revenue through the distribution of energy, telephony and internet.

What do you think? 

Of course for those who have not found the North East Wales Training & Services website it can be found at www.newtrainingservices.co.uk and you will be able to find details of the training courses that we offer, the focus being on the security industry and the delivery of security guard training and CCTV training.  All our courses and training comply with the SIA licensing requirements and provide an opportunity for our candidates to obtain their SIA badge or licence as it is officially known allowing them to work in the security industry as a guard or CCTV operator.  

Although the company is based in Wrexham, North Wales I have, of late been training in East Anglia, London, Birmingham and Manchester.  Today, I have been asked to deliver some Business Admin and customer service training in Wednesbury and Warrington so perhaps now I should be making it clear that I will deliver training across the UK and not purely security training.

I will keep the blog updated with developments over the coming weeks and whilst I am being asked to deliver training across the country I will still deliver Food Hygiene courses to charities, PTA's and Church groups FREE of charge!

Telephone contact update - an additional number has been added through the good offices of the Utility Warehouse Discount Club it is - 01978 8-00388

North East Wales Training & Service - Testimonial

North East Wales Training & Services now have a testimonial on You Tube!  I am slightly limited when it comes to IT and embedding and that sort of stuff but I am learning.  I am told that I can now embed the video of one of my security guard candidates into this blog, we will see shortly whether or not this happens!  

Anyway, a little about our candidate, he is Ian Edwards and is from Bala in Gwynedd, North Wales.  Bala is a small town about thirty five miles from Wrexham which is where North East Wales Training & Services is located.  Ian has successfully completed the SIA compliant security training course and now wants to apply for his SIA guard licence or badge as it is known.  In order to ensure that all parts were completed correctly he asked us here at NEWTS to check it for errors before he sent it off to the SIA which we did willingly.  SIA application form checking is one of the value adding services we offer free of charge as one small error can delay the issue of a security licence which means that employment can be delayed also.  Another value adding service that we offer is that of counter signatory which is a required on the SIA application form and on the rear of a passport size photograph, again this is one of our services that is offered free of charge.

If  you need any further information about our security courses or any of our other courses please feel free to contact us from our website at www.newtrainingservices.co.uk or you can telephone us on 01978 800388 or 01978 800389.  Now for that embedding job!

Easier than anticipated!

Friday 18 November 2011

North East Wales Training & Services News

Further goods news today at North East Wales Training & Services, we have been told that there is another batch of NVQ candidates on the horizon who are looking at a qualification involving work in a Call Centre.  The only drawback is that it is a London based Call Centre but it will be a nice little job to get 2012 off to a good start.

NEWTS has also tendered for some work involving a number of associates delivering Institute of Leadership and Management level 3 qualifications, we'll just have to wait and see what this leads to but with the cumulative experience of the associates being in the region of 60+ years I think our team would be well placed to deliver such work.

It looks like a busy weekend coming up with some social activity during the day on Saturday and some office catch up work on Sunday and some planning for the associates meeting on Tuesday at Carden Park, Chester.  I will also be chasing up some of our enquirers in relation to the security guarding course we have planned to start on 28th November.  We have some places available and allocation will be on a first come first served basis.

Our new website is now off the blocks and is already showing up on Google, we're very pleased and again our thanks have to go to Oraica Limited.  There are a couple of pages which lack content but we will be working on these over the next couple of weeks but we want to get the content right so that it reflects our ethos clearly.

We are very much aware of SIA compliance and licence issues and it is our intention to work in such a way that candidates for security guard badges can rest assured that training delivered by us in Wrexham, North Wales and Chester will meet all SIA requirements in relation to badges and licences 

Yesterday was another good day, I was sent details of 12 NVQ candidates that I will be assessing at Liverpool Hope University, all 12 will be completing the Level 2 Certificate in Providing Security Services which is the qualification I began assessing 5 years ago. 

 I would imagine that all the candidates will have obtained their SIA licences for security guards but if not North East Wales Training & Services can soon rectify that for them!  I'm looking forward to working with them, I've assessed guards in the past at the University of East London and also at Wolverhampton University and so working on the campus with my candidates will not be a new experience.  What I do like about it is that Liverpool is not much more than forty five minutes away so travel cost will be minimised.

So it looks like a busy end to 2011, a security guard course being delivered in Gwersyllt, Wrexham which has candidates coming from Wrexham, Chester and Shropshire and further afield in North Wales.  The course starts on 28th November in the Community Resource Centre, Gwersyllt, Wrexham.   We have also set up an Institute of Leadership and Management meeting for our associates to come together, this happens early next week and then we have a workshop with ILM in Warrington on quality and this is at the back end of next week.  The security guard course takes us into the first week of December and after that its the mad rush up until Christmas, I just hope no-one turns around and says they're too busy to see me because it's Christmas!

Thursday 25 August 2011

Security Guard Training Course

The first security training course for the security guarding licence will start on 12th September and run until 15th September.  The course will be delivered at the Community Resource Centre, Gwersyllt, Wrexham.  By choosing this location we believe that prospective security guards from Wrexham, Chester, Shrewsbury and areas of North Wales can easily get to that location even without a car.  

The training course is fully compliant with SIA licensing requirements and our commitment to use high quality training materials has resulted in us sourcing our security training materials from SAFE Limited, who are leading lights in the security training field.  

Successful completion of the course will provide participants with the appropriate qualification to secure an SIA licence or badge as they are sometimes known.  Alan, who will lead on the training, has vast experience in the security training field and has helped many successful candidates through the licensing process.  Such help is free and is part of our commitment to support adults undertaking our lkicence to practice courses.

For further information we can be contacted by email:



01978 800 389


07736 446 104

Please feel free to call for further information.

ILM Centre

Here are North East Wales Training & Services (or NEWTS as I suspect we will be know) developments are moving ahead at apace. We have become an approved ILM Centre able to deliver the prestigious qualifications associated with the Institute of Leadership and Management.  We will shortly be advertisding our ILM courses and special offers.

 Our NVQ activity continues at the ICC in Birmingham and will do for several more weeks to come.  We are now planning our first security training course which will be in September and will be a security guard course compliant with SIA licence or badge requirements.  We will be using the widely acclaimed SAFE materials and Edexcel will be the accreditation body for the time being as our next bit of activity will be to become an IQ Centre which will be another step in the right direction for us.  There is further activity planned not least of which will be more NVQ work in security, team leading and customer service.

Whilst we have been operating as a business since 1st June we have not had a website but it is nearing completion and will be up and running in the near future.  The website will contain details of all our courses including the popular security training courses based in Wrexham.

For further details of our security guard course please contact us via this blog. 

Friday 24 June 2011

North East Wales Training & Services now have a testimonial on You Tube!  I am slightly limited when it comes to IT and embedding and that sort of stuff but I am learning.  I am told that I can now embed the video of one of my security guard candidates into this blog, we will see shortly whether or not this happens!  

Anyway, a little about our candidate, he is Ian Edwards and is from Bala in Gwynedd, North Wales.  Bala is a small town about thirty five miles from Wrexham which is where North East Wales Training & Services is located.  Ian has successfully completed the SIA compliant security training course and now wants to apply for his SIA guard licence or badge as it is known.  In order to ensure that all parts were completed correctly he asked us here at NEWTS to check it for errors before he sent it off to the SIA which we did willingly.  SIA application form checking is one of the value adding services we offer free of charge as one small error can delay the issue of a security licence which means that employment can be delayed also.  Another value adding service that we offer is that of counter signatory which is a required on the SIA application form and on the rear of a passport size photograph, again this is one of our services that is offered free of charge.

If  you need any further information about our security courses or any of our other courses please feel free to contact us from our website at www.newtrainingservices.co.uk or you can telephone us on 01978 800388 or 01978 800389.  Now for that embedding job!

Easier than anticipated!

Friday 17 June 2011

Today I visited a lady who has signed up to the UWDC and as a result will save herself a substantial amount of money per month and at the same time have our BroadCall award winning telephone line rental and internet package, check out 'Which' for confirmation of this claim.  For several surveys BroadCall has figured as Number one!  I also signed up the same lady's mum who will also save a good amount of money and also benefit from our free calls during the evenings and weekends, and these calls are really free, nothing to pay, nowt, she gets the benefit from taking the three services, gas, electricity and homephone.  On the other hand her daughter who has gas, electricity and BroadCall (2 services in one package!) gets to have free calls 24/7 - just for taking the four services that she uses every day, so easy!  

If you would like to try out the service give me a call via the website at: www.utilitywarehouse.org.uk/050572 or 01978 800 388

Thursday 16 June 2011

French and Saunders videos

The Utility Warehouse Discount Club offers massive opportunities to save and make money just follow the link above and have  look at my space on the UWDC website, you will find fabulous opportunities.

The title above relates to the great videos the two ladies have made for the UWDC, "the utility who house?" great! but don't take my word for it visit the website, if you can't find what your looking for contact me via he sit and I ill get back to you asap.  

Tuesday 7 June 2011

New times, New opportunities

Times they are a changing as the song notes and in business changes also occur and that is why you will now see my authorised distributor logo on blogs which I write.  I am still connected to DAC & Partners Limited as a Director and Shareholder but I am no longer have any hands-on involvement in the company which is being ably conducted by my brother Don and his wife.  I will continue to write blogs about security training and NVQ assessments but it will be on my own behalf and will represent the views of North East Wales Training & Services which is my company name.  

My intention is to offer security training courses or guards and CCTV operators using SAFE Limited materials which are compliant with SIA training requirements.  The course I shall offer will allow security officers to obtain the guard licence which will then allow them to work in the guading sector of the Security Industry.  The training courses will be delivered on a monthly basis in Wrexham, Chester, Oswestry and North Wales thus allowing the greatest opportunity to prospective guards to secure their security training near their homes and giving them a greater chance of obaining their SIA badge.

In addition to the security training I am also offering people the chance to get inolved with this fantastic business offered by the Utilty Warehouse Discount Club, people can save money or make money and have more time, it an provide a secure income and the opportunity of building a business part-time, how good is that.  The following website will give more information or if you want to speak to me dial one of the numbers shown:


01978 800389

07736 446 104